Welcome to the Dynamic World of PROQNOSTIX: Your Gateway to Precision in Prognostics and Predictive Analytics

In the realm of PROQNOSTIX, we navigate through a spectrum of pivotal terms and concepts, each a cornerstone in our journey of data-driven foresight:

  • Prognoses
  • Predictions
  • Forecasts
  • Estimations
  • Simulations

Prognosis is defined as “a forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation; a prediction” (Daigle 2014, p. 7). It’s a term often resonating in the medical field, forecasting the likely progression and result of a condition, backed by current and historical data.

Prognostics, on the other hand, is the art and science of predicting future events, hinging on anticipated usage and environmental conditions, as a cornerstone for a system’s resilience and efficient operation (Sankararaman/Abhinav/Goebel 2014, p. 533).

To Prognosticate means “to foretell from signs or symptoms: predict” (Merriam Webster Dictionary 2019).

Predictions and Forecasting are intertwined yet distinct. Prediction is about estimating outcomes for unseen data, fitting models to training data sets for future projections (Döring 2018). Forecasting, increasingly a buzzword in the German-speaking world, focuses on future predictions based on time-series data (Döring 2018).

While there are no rigid boundaries defining these terms, they each hold a unique place in the world of mathematical modeling and statistics:

  1. Prognosis: Specific to predicting the course and outcome of a particular state, often in medical contexts.
  2. Forecasting: Utilizes historical data and statistical models to predict future events, like weather forecasting.
  3. Prediction: A broad term involving the use of models to predict unknown or future data.
  4. Estimation: Determining values for unknown quantities based on known data.
  5. Simulation: Replicating real processes or systems over time.

In summary, at PROQNOSTIX, we harness these concepts to deliver precise, reliable, and actionable insights. Whether it’s forecasting market trends, predicting customer behavior, estimating key business metrics, or simulating market scenarios, we are your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of today’s data-driven world. Join us as we reshape the future with data.

The tree view presented in Figure 1 offers a comprehensive visualization of forecasting, showcasing its various branches and sub-branches. This includes key components such as definitions, the six principal elements, requirements, and both quantitative and qualitative methods. This layout effectively illustrates the multifaceted nature of forecasting, providing a clear and structured overview of its many aspects. (see Figure 1),

Fig. 1: Core Aspects in Forecasting

6 key principals of forecasting

Forecasting, an essential discipline in various fields like economics, meteorology, and business planning, relies on several key principles to enhance its accuracy and relevance. Let’s delve into the six key principles you’ve mentioned: judgment, tangibilization, prudence, disaggregation, iteration, and triangulation.

1. Judgment

  • Definition: Judgment in forecasting refers to the use of expert knowledge and intuition in making predictions.
  • Application: It involves leveraging the experience and expertise of individuals to interpret data, understand trends, and make informed predictions. Judgment is particularly crucial in situations where historical data may not fully capture future conditions or when dealing with unprecedented scenarios.
  • Benefits: It adds a human element to the forecasting process, allowing for the incorporation of non-quantifiable factors like market dynamics, consumer behavior, or political changes.

2. Tangibilization

  • Definition: This is the process of making abstract forecasts more concrete and understandable.
  • Application: Tangibilization can be achieved through visualization techniques, such as graphs and charts, or by translating forecasts into physical models or prototypes. This principle is especially useful in fields like product development or urban planning.
  • Benefits: It helps stakeholders better understand and relate to the forecasts, thereby facilitating more informed decision-making.

3. Prudence

  • Definition: Prudence in forecasting involves a cautious and conservative approach, especially in the face of uncertainty.
  • Application: This means acknowledging the limits of predictive models and avoiding overconfidence in their outputs. It often involves preparing for a range of possible outcomes and considering worst-case scenarios.
  • Benefits: Prudent forecasting helps in risk management and prevents overreliance on overly optimistic scenarios.

4. Disaggregation

  • Definition: Disaggregation is breaking down complex forecasts into simpler, more manageable components.
  • Application: Instead of making a single, broad forecast, disaggregation involves making separate predictions for various elements or time periods. For example, instead of forecasting annual sales, a company might forecast monthly sales for different product categories.
  • Benefits: This approach can improve accuracy as it allows for a more detailed analysis of each component. It also makes it easier to identify the specific drivers of change.

5. Iteration

  • Definition: Iteration refers to the process of repeatedly revising forecasts based on new data and insights.
  • Application: As new information becomes available, forecasts are updated to reflect these changes. This is common in long-term projects where conditions can change significantly over time.
  • Benefits: Iterative forecasting ensures that predictions remain relevant and accurate, adapting to new trends and data.

6. Triangulation

  • Definition: Triangulation in forecasting means using multiple methods or data sources to validate a forecast.
  • Application: This might involve combining quantitative models with qualitative insights, or using different statistical methods to arrive at a forecast. For instance, a market forecast might be based on both econometric modeling and consumer surveys.
  • Benefits: Triangulation increases the reliability of forecasts by cross-verifying them through different lenses. This approach helps in mitigating biases and errors that might arise from relying on a single method or source.

Each of these principles plays a critical role in enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of forecasting. By integrating judgment with data, making abstract predictions tangible, adopting a prudent approach, breaking down complex forecasts, revisiting predictions iteratively, and validating forecasts through multiple methods, forecasters can significantly improve the accuracy and utility of their predictions.

Quantitative and qualitative methods in forecasting

The role of quantitative and qualitative methods in forecasting is crucial, as they offer different perspectives and approaches to predicting future events or states. Each method has its strengths and is often used complementarily to enhance the accuracy and reliability of forecasts.

Quantitative Methods

Quantitative methods rely on numerical data and statistical models. They are particularly useful when large amounts of historical data are available.

  • Time Series Models:
    • Role: These models analyze time-ordered data sets to identify patterns such as trends, seasonal variations, or cycles. They are fundamental in predictions in areas like financial market analysis, weather forecasting, and sales predictions.
    • Examples: Autoregressive models (AR), Moving Average (MA), Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA).
  • Causal Models:
    • Role: They attempt to identify and quantify cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Useful for understanding how changes in one variable (e.g., price, advertising expenditure) impact another (e.g., sales figures).
    • Examples: Regression analysis, econometric models.
  • Experimental Models:
    • Role: Based on controlled experiments to test the effects of specific variable changes. Particularly useful for examining causal relationships in a controlled environment.
    • Examples: A/B testing, randomized controlled trials.

Qualitative Methods

Qualitative methods rely on non-numerical data such as expert opinions, case studies, or surveys. They are especially valuable in new, unexplored areas or complex scenarios that are not easily quantifiable.

  • Surveys:
    • Role: Collecting information directly from individuals, typically through questionnaires or interviews. Surveys are useful for gaining insights into consumer preferences, opinions, and behaviors.
    • Examples: Market surveys, customer satisfaction studies.
  • Delphi Method:
    • Role: A structured communication technique often used in forecasting future events by iteratively querying and consolidating expert opinions over several rounds.
    • Examples: Technology trend analysis, long-term strategy development.
  • Expert Opinions:
    • Role: Gathering assessments from professionals in a particular field. Useful when historical data are limited or non-existent, or when investigating a new phenomenon.
    • Examples: Market analysis, political risk assessment.
  • Market Experiments:
    • Role: Real-world tests in a market environment to study reactions to product changes, new advertising campaigns, or other marketing initiatives.
    • Examples: Pilot projects, market launch tests of new products.

Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

  • Complementary Strengths: Quantitative methods offer precise, data-based predictions, while qualitative methods provide deeper insights and contextual information.
  • Holistic Approach: Combining both approaches leads to a more comprehensive understanding and can improve the accuracy of predictions.
  • Adaptation to Specific Needs: Depending on the situation and data availability, forecasting models can be tailored to meet relevant needs.

Requirements Management for Forecasting and Prognoses

In the realm of forecasting and prediction within a business context, various requirements must be considered to ensure effective and reliable projections. These requirements include business objectives, method descriptions, typical approaches, costs, accuracy, identification of turning points, necessary data, development time for a suitable application, and references. Here is a more detailed examination:

Business Objectives:

  • Understanding the purpose of the forecast is crucial. This could involve optimizing inventory levels, pricing strategies, market entry strategies, or other business decisions.

Method Description:

  • A clear definition of the quantitative and qualitative methods used is essential. This includes time series analysis, causal models, Delphi methods, and other relevant approaches.

Typical Approaches:

  • Depending on the industry and specific requirements, various approaches like trend analyses, econometric models, or machine learning can be applied.

Costs of Forecast Development:

  • Developing and maintaining forecast models incurs costs, encompassing both direct expenditures for tools and personnel, and indirect costs such as training.


  • The expected accuracy of the forecast must be defined, often depending on the type of prediction and the availability of data.

Identification of Turning Points:

  • The ability to recognize significant changes in the market or data trend line is crucial for the adaptability and relevance of forecasts.

Required Data:

  • It must be clear what kind of data is needed (historical data, real-time data), as well as their sources and quality.

Time Required to Develop a Forecasting Application:

  • The development duration of a forecasting tool can vary, depending on the complexity of the model and its integration into existing systems.

References and Case Studies:

  • Previous successful implementations or case studies can serve as a reference and help build confidence in the applied methods and approaches.

These requirements must be carefully weighed and tailored to the specific needs of the business. Effective forecasting requires not only appropriate methods and data but also a clear understanding of business objectives and market conditions.